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MayMom provides better and cheaper breastpump accessories. Our products pass the strict food grade container standards. Each batch is carefully monitored to ensure quality. And the final products are submitted to independent SGS or Intertek testing labs for final verification. All the testing reports are available online. You can use our products without worrying about the safety of them. We currently provide Medela Pump-In-Style tubing, membranes and valves. Breastshields, bottles, storage bags and transformers are being developed.
Copyright©2021 Maymom
USA Address: 3 Laurel Leaf CT, Durham, NC 27703 Phone:(919)4535168 Taiwan Address: Maymom LLC, 20-7, Aly 19, Ln 333, ChungCheng RD, ZhuNan, MiaoLi, Taiwan |